Corporate Impact Partner

Become a business for local good.

When employees have a greater sense of purpose, a company will have a more fulfilled workforce. Turnover drops, productivity rises, and teams thrive. It all starts with developing a culture of workplace giving.

I Live Here I Give Here can help your company enhance those local giving initiatives. From organizing staff volunteer outings and fundraising efforts, to providing research and education tailored to your team’s goals. Thanks to our partnership with over 700 local nonprofits, we can share exactly what nonprofits need and offer guidance to maximize your company’s impact across Austin and Central Texas. 

Build your purpose-driven workforce with I Live Here I Give Here.

corporate impact partner benefits

  • Empower your team with giving opportunities that scale support for the causes you care about

  • Connect with other local leaders passionate about making a difference

  • Gain access to year round learning and events that bolster leadership development, recruitment, and retention

  • Be showcased as a leader in local good and proud supporter of Amplify Austin Day, the biggest giving event in Central Texas

Amplify Austin Day 2025 Opportunities

Additional business PARTNERSHIPS

Contact to get started.


Join the marquee of local businesses who all agree that being a good neighbor makes good business sense. Contact to learn how we can enhance your company's community impact goals.

Thank you to our Annual Business Members!